Where? was all he said.
I pointed to my scraggy with him poking gingerly at it.
Sensing the slightest movement, our young and diligent little slimy crawled out of its hiding place it clear view.
Our Mr Lim then decide to adopt the same method of disposal as the previous time - the thick mound of toilet papers! Hey dude, do u actually think this is like the tail.. this thing is so slimy its gonna slip out from your toilet paper onto god knows where before you have the chance to dispose it. Lucky I got a better solution. I quickly find an available plastic bag which happens to be a zip lock bag and swiftly trapped little slimy inside... Mr Lim look at me remarkably.. commenting me on my good idea...
Hmm, we were wondering if Mr/Ms slimy and little slimy were related to one another? I think I can hear disgusted eeewww from some.
Despite all, Little rascals was unaware of what's happening... Silly them standing behind the sliding door wondering what's the hassle...
Ewwww...... Strongly believed they are related.. The tiny one coming out to protest or looking for all you know, its Mrs Slimy, its Mummy!~ Cant imagine if Orange going to pound on the tiny Slim, its going to stick onto your flooring.. haha.....
Hey, your blog getting interesting! So many encounters at your house!
-Ah Jo~
Hope you released the Gecko :)
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