Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bath time = 2 grumpy wet cat + injured me

There comes a day every month for the little rascals to get some extra assistant from me to clean their body and give their tongue a rest day haha.. Not that they are not doing a good job out of it but hey tongue has its limitation right. U sure cant get your tongue to clean your own back right? Anyway they always smell nicer for me to cuddle...

Since it was sunny day last Sunday, I decided to give the little rascals their long due bath meant for the month of February..
Orange: Well, kiddo you lose the bet.. Mummy is giving us that bathing time look!

Lala: Rats! I should have know Mummy won't let it slip out of her mind... men doesn't she has better things to do! Just know its knew its too good to be true!

Orange: Well, you still lose the bet.. don't forget to leave half your dinner for me kaka..

As usual, I had to catch Lala 1st to bathe since she's the smaller in size and could easily hide in hard to reach places in time of danger. Sorry guys, no pictures were taken during their bathing time... the little rascals start to protest about their legal cat privacy rights...

Bathing with Lala is a test of my agility and patience and speed. She would start to cling onto my T-shirt with her claws as we approached the bathroom. Looking at me with her fearful dilated pupils that scream: Please don't put me through this! Well somebody has to do the job right.. can't count on Mr Lim who's reading the newspaper in the living room and half dozing off.. obviously oblivious to the mini commutation in the bathroom.
Lala starts howling once she knows there's no escape. Since there wasn't any lock on the bathroom screen and I realise that Lala has learn the art of sliding the screen open with her paws, I had to use one of my leg to hold onto the screen to keep it from sliding. It was at this time that I realise I a natural acrobat.. balancing on one leg and quickly using my hands to shower her. Throughout the whole time, Lala would be crawling about in the shower area with me blocking her route.. sure am glad my bathroom is small.

At this time, my half dozing off Mr Lim decided to take of peek from the top of the shower screen gloating over the wet and miserable Lala.. Seeing him, Lala the ever optimistic thought she could stand a chance of escape by leaping up the screen in the bid of hoping she could actually jumped over it. Alas, even cats has its limitation, she landed right back on the floor and on top of my feet! I yeaped out in pain and shocked as I see angry marks start swelling and appearing on my feet. Sensing trouble.. our Mr Lim quietly makes his exit...
An illustration on where Mr Lim was standing looking at the "show" and how Lala leaped upwards the screen..

Marks left behind by Lala after she landed on my feet in her bid to escape! Ouch right... but I'll survive..

Orange fare much better for his bathing. Like a big boy, he took the shower in his stride and not at all meowing and howling away like his sister..

The little rascals are most grumpy after their bathe... they went on to one corner and obsessively licked themselves dry.. each competing with another to see who dries him or herself faster. Pictures were hard to capture during this time as they totally ignore me.. probably still feeling sore that I force them to bathe..

In dramatic whining voice: Oh look what you've done to my once beautiful fur. Now Im gonna make sure I have to lick them dry for a 100 times according to my rules of princess Lala.. where's my servant?? oh and while you looking for that, a cup of lukewarm water for me.. gonna be thirsty after all that licking..

Hate being wet.. Just look so unglamorous with all my fur matted together... So damaging for my reputation!

Lala: Will you stop following me around with that annoying box! This is a demoralising sob sob..

m cool being wet.. no problem men at least I know I got to eat treats after that... hmm so where's the treat ah?

Best stay far away from Lala.. heard she's shouting for her "servant" won't wanna be mistaken for one men..

Yippeee.. the moment I've been waiting for!! treat treat!! Well, kiddo you still got lots to learn from me men... sacrifice a bit and you got a big fish waiting for you at the end..

Lala: #@!$%^...


Anonymous said...


My goodness, that looked like some nasty scratches! If I had been you, would be cursing and swearing at Princess Lala.... Apply antiseptic cream and keep the wound dry ok! Didn't know Lala has issues with bathing....thought she had been quite compliant all these while. What a tough job for wil be Ah Sky's turn this weekend, hope the weather is sunny...

Mary said...

Good to see you so well Orange.

Anonymous said...

Ouch~~~ So pain to see your foot with those scratches....
Really miss reading your blog on your two Kidz..

Anonymous said...

Rather interesting place you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.

Sincerely yours