Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fishy business

I was suppose to write put up this blog last month as usual... somehow forgotten about it until I start clearing my handphone. Went to try fish foot therapy with my best pal. These fishes are suppose to be able to eat off the dead skin on your foot. Just like what the pedicure does during exfoilation with their tool.

It was quite a scary experience at first if its your 1st time. It really feel tickish with the fishes nibbling on your foot. The fishes are sure hardworking, the whole school of them just crowd around your foot or any part of the leg that was surmerbed in the pool of water. It may look scary in the picture. Not a bad experience.

My foot feels not much difference before and after the fish treatment.. but of course the shop owner claimed will only get to see its effect after more treatment = to spend more $$..

I personally still prefer the foot exfoilation done during pedicure haha more effective. Perhaps next time if I should bring the little rascals there... Im sure they will be really excited..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha... How surprised of you to post this pictures!! Ya, still felt better after pedicure than this fishy business...Nice if you just want to play with the fishy.. keke....