Leaving us no choice but to improvise their furniture to suit our needs...
Today, we make a pact not to argue with one another and to share our favourite spot in the house with one another...
Okie I confess.. I only do this when mummy or daddy is around...
Basin are best for hot weather!! its concave part simply mould onto the contour of my body and the cooling surface brings down my body temperature.. Perfect.. but note: Not to use when Mummy or Daddy is inside unless you're having a blocked nose..
Another way to share the spot when each simply refuse to leave, sleep on opposite ends
Mummy's bag is a good place to tuck myself in.. I love leaving traces of me inside her bag so she can be reminded of me when she's outside hehe...
When you want a spot really BADLY.. try striking this pose and look at them earnestly...
It may not work well on Orange...Oh please, cutesy pose won't work on me
But it sure work well on Daddy and look where it got me! A spot on the bed beside Daddy! See, Im just practising my "Nah nah ni bu bu..I got the bed and you don't" look to Orange!
Guess who?
Hehe.. Its me! The ultimate best spot.. the place they took the longest to find me! In the wardrobe beside the clothes quiet and cozy.. Not even Lala can disturb me..
So who's the super loafer? Lala or me? Most importantly what's the prize for the winner??
wah lala & orange, u both on the papers tdy ah!
Orange: Ya that's me on the newspaper.. handsome ah..
Lala: Yeah that was me alright you wan my autograph?
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